Dia De La Independencia is a satirical movie trailer that mimics the cinematic obsession with "alien invasions" (Men In Black, Starship Troopers, and of course, Independence Day).
In making Dia De La Independencia, we inversed the xenophobic undertones of anti-alien sci-fi, by imagining a racialized, righteous, alien invasion from South of the Border. We used a variety of digital imaging technologies to deploy, but not exactly reproduce, the conventions of big budget Hollywood films. Using both 3-D and 2-D graphic design applications, we created an intentionally clumsy collage of found footage and digitally produced images. Some of the found images were recorded from television news, some were "borrowed" from other big-budget Hollywood movies, others were taken from old postcards, some images were downloaded from internet photo archives. The end result is a cathartic burst of border busting sci-fi.
Based on the work of Lalo Lopez of POCHO!